schools, colleges & medical schools

As schools and colleges continue to promote diversity and inclusion on their campuses, DisabilitiesUndestood believes that disability is a vital component to diversity awareness efforts.


Students will be transformed in their understanding of both visible and invisible disabilities, including:

  • How to resist the urge to help
  • Asking questions without being offensive
  • Resisting the urge to stare

Teachers & Administrators 

Teachers and administrators will come away from John’s workshops with valuable tools, including:

  • Sensitivity and awareness training, including bullying prevention through the lens of disability
  • How to create a strategic plan for diversity
  • Resisting the urge to help
  • How to make creative adaptations in the classroom or in PE class
  • How to become an effective ally with parents of children with disabilities
  • How students with visible and invisible disabilities make us better teachers


Workshops for parents include

  • How to advocate effectively for your child with a disability
  • How to help your non-disabled child befriend a classmate with a disability
  • School Admissions and the child with a disability 


DisabilitiesUnderstood is available to work with colleges and universities in the following areas

  • Sensitivity and awareness training for students and professors
  • Keynote speaking for diversity conferences
  • Implementing and sustaining disability affinity groups

Medical Schools

DisabilitiesUnderstood is available to work with medical schools in the following areas:

  • Sensitivity and awareness training for medical students
  • Is disability a problem to be cured?
  • How to help parents of children with disabilities