

A native of Washington, D.C., John Sharon was born with Arthrogryposis Multiplex Congenita, a rare condition that limits muscle and bone growth in the extremeties. He uses leg braces for walking. John was mainstreamed into traditional classrooms from 1st grade onward. He completed his high school years at St. Albans School, graduated cum laude from Connecticut College, holds a graduate degree in theology from Regent College in Vancouver, Canada, and a Masters degree in Educational Leadership from the University of Massachusetts.

John has served in various teaching and administrative roles since 1986, and his administrative experience spans elementary, middle and high school levels. 

In 2001, John served on the faculty for the National Association of Independent Schools’ Summer Diversity Institute, and continues to lead NAIS Institute workshops on ability. He was also co-founder of the Commission on Diversity in Independent Schools in an effort to unify independent schools throughout Connecticut around issues of diversity.

A frequent conference presenter on diversity in education, he has also worked extensively as a speaker and facilitator for the Anti-Defamation League’s “A World of Difference” program.

In addition, John has led administrator workshops for Independent School Management in Delaware and has a passion for training and mentoring new school administrators.

John also thinks a lot about soccer and music. He is a nationally licensed soccer coach and is a singer, songwriter, and harmonica player. John is married to Amy, and they live outside of Durham, North Carolina; they have two all-grown-up children.